
Picture Parade!

I mostly want to update everyone with pictures. I didn't get one of all the hospital visitors on our camera (I'm missing most of the Remillards!), so I'm posting what I have, but would love more of the family.. please send me a copy!

For a fun comparison...


We came home Saturday afternoon.  Natalie skipped her nap, but was super happy to see her sister.  Grammy & Papa were able to stay until Sunday, which turned out really well for nighttime.  Grammy was on Natalie-duty, a huge help!  We've survived Nights #1, #2, and #3 at home.  #1 involved Natalie waking a few times, nights #2  & #3 were peaceful - Natalie didn't stir one bit.  Rhys has been sleeping like a pro.  She eats around 11pm, and is up around 3:30/4 and 6:30/7.  Not bad!

Natalie still has a bit of a transition to go through.  She didn't nap at all on Saturday or Sunday which made for some emotional nights.  Lots of changes for a soon-to-be 2yr old.  She can throw quite the tantrum when she is tired and not getting her way.  Luckily things seem a little better now that we are getting back to her old routine.

Natalie is doing really well as far as her reactions to Rhys.  The first thing she asks about in the morning is "baby".  She loves to kiss her on the head.  She asks to carry and hold her..we've helped her hold her on the couch, but I think the carrying part will have to wait! :)  We have to remind her not to touch her face and to be gentle, but so far she really does well.  She doesn't seem to have any direct problems with Rhys being at home, with us holding her, or with me spending time feeding her.  Of course it's only been a few days..but so far, so good!  Last night she even helped us give Rhys a bath.  I thought she would just stand there (on the step stool) and watch, but she grabbed a washcloth and started trying to clean too!

Rhys has such a calm, easy going personality so far.  She's eating every 2-3 hours during the day, has short awake periods (10-15 min here and there) and then sleeps the rest of the time.  She seems pretty content with eating and is then back to sleep.  She reminds us a lot of Natalie so far, so here's to hoping she will continue to be an easy baby!

One challenge so far has been getting Rhys to sleep by herself.  She loves to cuddle and curl up with her mama.  I couldn't get up too easily in the hospital and David was snoring away, so after her nighttime feedings, she would usually fall asleep next to me.  She wants to do the same at home.  We try to put her in the bassinet, but she can't seem to settle down and wants to be held.  We got the Halo Sleepsack out last night and that seems to work wonders.  Hoping that continues!

We took Rhys for her check-up today.  We are going to have us a roly-poly baby here shortly.  She weighed 7 lb even the night before we left the hospital.  It has only been 3 full days and she was at 7lbs 10oz today! The goal was to have her back at birth weight (7lb 8oz) by her 2 week appointment...which isn't for another week.  Apparently she has an appetite!


Tania said...

Glad things are going so well! The kids are all sick now so we will wait to visit until the germs (including a likely case of pink eye!!) are gone! Can't wait to see her and Natalie again!
