
18mo update!

I can't believe Natalie is already 18 months old! We took these pictures at the beginning of the month..and I'm just getting around to posting!

We took Natalie to the Dr. this morning for her 18 month appointment. Everything is looking good.


Height: 32 inches (60% - she grew almost 2in in the past 3 months!)
Weight: 22lbs 13oz (25%)
Diapers: size 4
Clothes: size 18mo

Quick note on the clothes....around Valentine's Day I noticed that Natalie's 12-18 mo jeans were getting short, so I got her the 18-24mo pants. They fit good, decent in the waist and length, and she wore them the other day and they are getting snug and look too short already! Growing like crazy.

She's also tall enough to reach things off of the kitchen counter! We have to really watch what we leave near the edges. Knives and hot pots have to go further in.

I was thinking of all the things that Natalie says now. It's somewhere around 20-25 words. Hi, bye, mom, dad, milk, up, down, all done, yes (yeah), no (she's getting wayyy too good at this one), shoes, sock, bird, outside, sit, see, baby, sleep, bowl, bath, dog...and maybe a few others that I can't remember. She says "uh oh", but usually just the "oh" is audible. She knows what hot and cold are, but doesn't say either. If something is hot, she blows on it; and if something is cold she says "brrr". Probably because every morning when we walk outside I say "brr, it's cold out here"!

The past few weeks she's taken notice of the TV. A few mornings she woke up earlier than I was ready for, so I turned on Sesame Street and she plopped down in front of the TV and sat still while I finished getting ready! She will also sit still long enough for me to comb her hair when a cartoon is on! Very helpful.

Natalie still loves to dance. Last night the stereo remote was next to me on the couch. Natalie climbed up into my lap and said "yeah yeah" (that's how she asks for stuff) and she kept reaching over me. I realized that she wanted the remote. I asked if she wanted to dance and she said "yeah, yeah". So, we had a little dance party before bed.

Monday was the crazy tax deadline, so I had Tuesday off and took Natalie to the park. She LOVED it. They had a big and little kids area, and Natalie couldn't get up the stairs to the slide fast enough! The slide was super fast..it was made up of rollers. Made mama a little nervous, but she was having a blast. I got a good workout in because I was busy running from one side of the play structure to the other because she wasn't completely aware that some of the sides were wide open entrances!

Natalie has been practicing "No" lately. She made me laugh last night as I was putting her to bed. She's been fighting bedtime; always cries for a few minutes when we mention bed time or take her to her room. So, I was taking her to her room last night and she started whining. I asked her if she wanted to get into her crib and she said "NO". So, I layed her down anyway, and she sat back up and started signing for milk. I asked if she wanted some water and she said "yeah". So, I told her to lay down and I'd go get her some water. She stopped crying and layed down. I brought her a tiny bit of water and she layed down and went to sleep! Lucky me because I was on solo-mama duty.

She has mastered her animal puzzle. It's actually a bunch of magnets that go with her animal farm book, but it looks like a puzzle. I think it has 8 or 9 pieces. Just this last week she has been able to match the shapes and put the pieces back! She doesn't actually get them into the spaces, but she matches the animals. And, if she gets them mixed up, she looks at them and then says "no" and fixes it!

Another favorite activity at our house is to dump out the blocks and then pick them back up. She has a bag of foam blocks that we must dump out and pick up 20 times a day!

Natalie has found her first chore. She loves to put her dirty clothes into the hamper! (Quite helpful because I'm getting to the point that I don't want to bend down to pick things up). I was cleaning up in her room and asked her to put some clothes in there; she took that batch and then everything else she could pick up went into the hamper. She's gotten better since then though; mostly just the dirty clothes at bath time end up in the hamper.

She has been practicing her big sister skills. Her little baby doll gets the best treatment. She picks her up first thing in the morning and carries her around the house. She feeds the baby milk or water and wraps her up in blankets. There was another baby at daycare for a few weeks and I think she was really watching how to take care of the baby. She pats the baby on the back, and "shhhh"s me when the baby is sleeping. It's too cute. I think she's going to be a great big sis.

She's been practicing eating with her spoon / fork. She's getting better..but this particular night she was having way too much fun!

We've been telling Natalie that mama has a baby. She likes to look at my tummy and "see" baby sissy. We showed her one night and used a fetal monitor that Patty gave us. The next night when I asked her "where is mama's baby", she went to get the monitor and pulled up my shirt!

Easter post..coming soon!

