Not a bad view to have, but certainly not as comfy as the front seat.
We're on a road trip, and we opted to leave early because we weren't sure how Natalie would do. She's been having screaming spells in the car lately. I called the pediatrician and he said it's likely motion sickness :( His only advice was to see if we could get her to sleep, take lots of breaks, feed her, and drive safe.
I experimented earlier this week and figured out that I could get her in the carseat while she was already asleep and she stayed sleeping. So we packed the car last night and left at 6:45 this morning.
We stopped for her breakfast, I played her music & lights toy and as you can see she is back to sleep!
Hooray! Especially for mom & dad's ears :)
We should make it to our destination without any more stops as long as traffic keeps moving. MUCH better than anticipated.
Hopefully the return trip goes as well!
Poor thing... Auntie gets terrible motion sickness too (and I cry too, lol). Gosh I am glad to hear you found something that works for her and I hope she grows out of it. I know for a FACT motion sickness is NOT FUN to have as an adult! Good luck the rest of the way and on the return trip. Hang in there Natalie. Daddy, DRIVE SAFE!
Did you blog from your iPhone!?!? I love the peaceful, sleeping beauty sitting next to you in the car! Maybe when Natalie is old enough to face forward she won't get as sick in the car. I know Ryan was much happier when he could turn around and see what was going on. Have a safe drive. See you guys soon!
Haha, yep blogging from the car. Had to do something to keep from watching the road! David did good. We made it in one piece and Natalie woke up on the off-ramp.
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