
We're home!

We're home from the hospital and have had an exciting few days! Natalie has been great so far - mostly sleeping. She's still learning to eat, but has made vast improvements the past 24 hrs. I'm surprised at how great I feel - not much pain and I'm able to move around pretty easily. I'm not sure if that is the pain meds, or that I just don't hurt! Anyway, I'll post more of the details when we get some more time, but for now I know everyone wants to see pictures - so here's a few!

Mom and Natalie

Natalie in Mom's arms with her full set of hair

Auntie Patty with Natalie

Dad with Natalie

Grandma Remillard with Natalie


Rachel said...

She is beautiful! Everyone is asking about Natalie & You at work!

Anonymous said...

We are so happy you are home. We'll be out Oct. 30th to visit. Michelle, don't do too much to soon. Rest and enjoy these times, they will go by SO quickly.
Natalie is a beautiful baby girl. Have fun~
Love you guys,
Lili-Anne and gang
