
4th Appt (20 wks 4 days)

I went in for my 4th appointment this morning. David and I got to meet another one of the midwives, Helen. I really liked her! She does 40% of the office's deliveries, so there is a good chance she will be the one at the hospital when it's time. We went over the standard questions and she had some good suggestions for reading material.

She reviewed the ultrasound results and said everything looks good. My 2nd trimester screening tests also came back with normal results. The odds that something is wrong is 1 in 10,000, which the nurse said was the best result to get.

We got to hear the hearbeat again - it was in the mid-140 range. And I'm measuring right on track at 21cm.

Next appointment is July 1! Two more monthly appointments and then I switch to going every two weeks. Time is sure flying.

After the appointment, we walked over to French Hospital and got a tour of the labor and delivery area. We're leaning towards French, but we have an appointment on the 14th to see Sierra Vista. If we go with French, we'll still register at SV because thats where the NICU is; if I go into labor before 36 weeks, it's mandatory that I deliver at SV.

It's also back to school for us - David got us all signed up for "Babies and Birthing 101" last week. We're taking the 6 week birthing course and then a couple of other classes for baby basics, breastfeeding, and CPR.

That the update for now. We're still working on the name...there's too many to choose from!


Tania said...

Glad your appointment went well and that you got to tour French. The tours are very different but in a good way. The CPR and breastfeeding classes were wonderful. We dropped out of birthing class though. Thankfully we all survived! :-)
