
3rd Appointment

Today's appointment was great! We got to meet one of the midwives and ask all of our questions. We felt really comfortable with the entire process. The office has 3 midwives and 1 Dr. As long as I'm not considered 'high risk' I can continue seeing the midwives and they rotate the appointments so you get to meet everyone. Their schedules rotate so that one person is typically at the hospital and the other 2 see patients in the office. That should mean no cancelled appointments. Overall they were not pushy and want it to be a great experience for me, so it seems much better than where I was before.

On to the good stuff..! We got to hear the heartbeat! The baby was being active, so she had to chase him/her around a little bit. She said the heartrate was right at 160 bpm.

I have to call tomorrow to schedule the big anatomy ultra-sound. It should be in the next 2 weeks or so. We can't wait! We're still working on names..but we still have plenty of time.

I started feeling the baby on Friday (5/1)! I had been feeling stuff off and on the past week or so, but it was more constant on Friday. To me it feels like a twitch in my side, kind of like a little tapping. It's been mostly on my right side. I feel it pretty consistently when I'm sitting or laying down...right now it feels fun, but I'm sure when he/she starts kicking the ribs I'll think otherwise.

The morning sickness is still here. I asked about it today and she said for most people it is gone by week 12. Here I am 16 wks and 2 days and still getting sick! It's definitely getting better and less frequent, but it's still dragging on. Some days are pretty good, but it seems like if I over-do it and don't rest, I'm sick the next day. Hopefully with my next post I will be able to report that it is gone!

So, we have the Big ultra-sound in a few weeks and then my next appointment is June 2nd.


Tania said...

Very exciting! It is very reassuring to feel the baby but towards the end when the keep you awake with the kicks and punches it isn't as friendly! :-) Can't wait to hear what she/he is! :-)
