The girls helped me start the cakes last night. They were super excited to wear their aprons and mix the cake. We made mini-rainbow cakes for a rainbow theme party.
The birthday girl at her party:
And a cute one of Natalie & Grammy
At 2, Rhys is trying to do Everything that her big sister does! She loves to play dress-up, she loves her baby dolls, and she loves to play outside.
We are still working on the potty training, bribing her with Dum-Dums. She will usually sit and eat the lollipop and then she is off and done. No sitting around for Rhys (we used to have to play videos, read books, and all kinds of tricks with Natalie). She's doing good.
She is a really good sleeper. She's usually in bed by 8pm, and sleeps until 7am. And still takes a good, solid 2 hr nap during the afternoon.
Rhys is still a girl of few words. She's got: mama, dada (this is a new one!), Na-na (for Natalie), up, down, ball, bath, bubble, no, mine, go, hello, bye-bye..and maybe a few others, but not many. Talked to the pediatrician about this at her 2 yr appointment and he said to just keep watching. She should be doubling vocabulary every few months and that if we are still concerned to call him in a few months.
I have to look back at the Dr. sheet to get Rhys' official stats, but here are the rough numbers:
Her height and weight were both between 10&20% (off the top of my head!)
Height: 31.5 in
Weight: 25lbs
Clothes: size 18mo / 24 mo shirts
Shoes: size 5
Diapers: size 4 - but gone soon, I hope!
Happy Birthday, Rhys-ie Pie!