I'm quite surprised that Rhys isn't crawling all over the place. She has been up, rocking on all fours for quite some time now. She's definitely getting close; she'll shift her weight to one hand and reach out with the other. She is SUPER close to rolling from back to tummy. She could totally do it, but just doesn't quite shift her weight. She gets her legs all the way over, and turns her head, but hasn't fully rolled. I'm honestly not in a hurry for her to move, because she seems like such a go-getter, that I think we'll be missing our stationery baby!
She sits up really well. I can leave her for a few minutes playing with her toys, which is nice. At the same time, Rhys has gotten kind of cranky if I leave the room. It seems like she wants me within view and preferably close proximity at all times.
Rhys loves cereal, and we are gradually able to add more foods. So far we've tried banana, apple, avocado, peas and butternut squash, with squash being her favorite! She's also had some rice crackers. I tried banana flavored puffs one night, but she wasn't a fan. Her general reaction is to:
- make a sour face
- spit it back out at you (using the "raspberry method", of course so you are showered with it)
- if she does NOT like it, she sticks her thumb in her mouth
- if she DOES like it, she opens up wide and waits to shovel it in!
Rhys also loves her bath these days. We're still using the infant tub in the kitchen sink. I usually fill it up decently full, but I did that last week and basically ended up with a shower myself! She kicked and splashed away. I pulled the drain up to let some water out, but she was splashing faster than it could drain. So, ever since then she gets less water. As soon as she is more stable, we can add her to the big tub with Natalie, but I think we are still a little ways out for that.
She is generally a happy baby. Sometimes Rhys just laughs and laughs for no apparent reason! It's really cute that she cracks herself up.
(I think she looks a lot like David in this picture - do you see it?)
7 month stats:
Height: 25 inches
Weight: about 18.4lbs (75%)
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 9 mo