Natalie is 9 months today! Already 3/4 of a year old!
It's getting harder and harder to get these monthly pictures as a lone photographer! Might try again later when I have someone to help distract her! She sits still for exactly 4.698 seconds and then she's off! Not much time to get her posed, sit back and snap a picture.
Natalie is crawling, crawling, crawling. She's still at a snail's pace, but that is ok with me. It gives her freedom, but I don't feel like I have to watch her like a hawk. She's slow enough that she doesn't get into trouble too quickly..yet! She likes to go after the fireplace tools, the plants, and the TV cabinet. Actually, I came home one day last week, and David had put a lock on the bottom cabinet doors. I mentioned that it seemed like overkill, and he said, "no, not really she was already over there pulling on them". I didn't really think she'd do much, but the next thing I knew, she was over there pulling and pulling and pulling trying to get them open! Here's some evidence!
Apparently, parents become jungle gyms at this age. She tries to crawl out of our laps when we hold her, she lunges at everything in reach when walking through the kitchen, and when we sit on the floor with her, she attempts to crawl over us, even pull up and hold onto our legs.
She hasn't really mastered pulling up. She'll crawl over to the couch or wall, and put her hands up like she is trying to pull, but she can't maneuver herself close enough to the object yet. She does get up on her knees and then face plant into the floor. I have a feeling more injuries are on the horizon!
A first tooth is on it's way! I hadn't checked for teeth in a while, so after she was done eating the other day, I ran my finger over her gum and sure enough, a little poke! It's her bottom left tooth making an appearance. So far it doesn't seem to be bothering her, and I don't think she even notices that it's there.
This girl can eat! We started introducing breakfast solids a few weeks ago, because she was seeming really hungry at lunchtime. We'd give her the lunch solids and she was just scarfing them down. We started out adding some oatmeal and now she's been having cottage cheese with fruit. So, we're up to the 3 solid meals by 9 months, just as the Dr. wanted to see her doing. She gets about 4oz of solids each time in addition to her usual milk. She's still nursing and then getting bottles while at daycare. Probably around 26-28oz a day.
The babbling continues, but no definite words at this point. I keep pushing for "mama" and David for "daddy", but she just looks at us and laughs.
As crazy as it sounds, she's doing really well at swim. We go for our 3rd session this afternoon, but she did super last week! We were doing our first exercise of gliding. I held her and tipped her ears to the water 3 times and then pushed her across to the instructor. On the way back, she closed her eyes tight and closed her mouth. I guess she wasn't sure if she was going to have to go underwater! When we did the "diving" and jumping in from the side of the pool, she did great at closing her eyes and mouth. This past weekend in my parent's pool, she was kicking her legs, splashing, and then relaxing in a pool float. Loves the water! Far exceeded my expectations for what a 9 month old can do in the water. I expected a lot of screaming and crying, but there hasn't been any of that!
Stats for this month:
Weight: +/- 17 pounds
Height: 27+ inches
Size 3 diapers
Size 9 mo clothes
Good schedule (which I'm sure will change the second I've typed this out!) Typically up at 7:30, nurses, 8:30 get to daycare, eat breakfast, 9-11 nap, 11:30 bottle, 12:00 solids, 1-3 nap, 3:30 bottle, 4:45 daddy picks up at daycare, 5 solids, 6:45 bedtime nursing, 7 story time and 7:30 in bed!
9mo Dr appt next Friday. We'll have her official stats, another shot and some blood work for anemia tests. Fun stuff!