Time for an update!
We discovered Natalie is not a City Girl, at least this weekend she wasn't. We went up to San Francisco to visit some friends. Natalie did great in the car on the way up - slept the whole way! That was the end of the sleeping. The trucks backing up, cars honking, sirens, and other general street noise woke her up early and kept her up at night. Oh well.
We took her to her first baseball game - Giants vs Cardinals. The weather was a perfect 70ish degrees, but Natalie wasn't in such a great mood. She didn't want mama to sit, wanted to be up moving around. She also didn't like the loud yelling from the guys behind us. Brought her to tears everytime! So, we spent much of the game walking around the base of our section. She fell asleep - for the last 15 minutes of the game!

We went to visit with Ariel, Ricardo & Sebastian. He was walking everywhere! So fun to see how much he has grown! We're planning to see them again next month; I bet they play more together next time.

We gave Natalie her sippy cup a few weeks back. She just tries to chew on the spout. She did manage to get water out a few times, and she just makes the sourest face ever! I sweetened it a bit with Apple Juice yesterday and she managed to drink an ounce or so.

She's been turning circles when she's on her tummy. Sometimes she gets up on her knees, but then she dives forward to reach for toys.

Yesterday I took Natalie to the swings at the park for the first time! I took a towel because I knew it'd be way too big for her. She was neither excited nor upset about it; mostly just curious about the shadow on the ground! I have a feeling we'll have to take a lot of trips across the street to the park when she realizes how fun it is!

More pictures from the last few weeks:
Hanging out on mom & dad's bed

Trying peas:

Quick visit from Grammy & Papa:

Meeting Charlotte (5 weeks old - Amazing what a difference 5 months makes!):